Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hurricane IPv6 BGP tunnel TCY <-> FFM

As IPv6 over Level3 fell flat (PacketExchange can't deliver) and I still have no second IPv6 peer for TeleCity, I did set a second tunnel up with Hurricane Electric. That finally got set up today, lads must be a bit busy at

So for IPv6 we've now Smart Telecom (native) and Hurricane London (tunnel) in Dangan, Galway. In TeleCity we've got GlobalCrossing (native) and Hurricane Frankfurk/Main (tunnel), Germany on top of the INEX peerings on Vlan#1.

The INEX Vlan#2 is a Mikrotik router and they still can't do IPv6 BGP without mix/match :(. I've been chasing them on that since 3.10 now, it was supposed to be fixed in 3.12 and as of 3.14 routing-test it still doesn't work, if I got the configuration right.

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